Friday, March 28, 2008




Today I went to a lecture about Rod Serling, and his character development in his writing. Apparently he dealt with his emotional distress through manifesting himself at different times in his life in his characters. At least the successful ones. He was one brilliant man.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

New Progress

The plans have been set and now all I can do is wait. Wait. This feels like Deja vu. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

On My Mind

New Beginnings

Heres to new beginnings

Why not, new beginnings seems to be a recurring theme in recent times for me. For example this tumultuous year, and all the new beginnings created by it, the new beginnings within the new beginning and all the such, The falsehoods and lies all to humor grand fallacies and plans. Well those fallacies may all be finally coming to fruition. Maybe these are the days that promises will be kept. Maybe not.

There will always be new beginnings, because they are just the end of a prior beginning. And all things must end.